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Callers still angry about queues

2009-08-08 01:27  《4PS呼叫中心国际标准研究中心》  咨询电话:17317241681(微信同号)  51callcenter

Callers are still frustrated by sitting on hold, with call waiting times emerging as the top grip in a new survey of customer service annoyances.

The UK report by IT company nGenera CIM, found that 66% or respondents were still annoyed by contact centre queues, while 52% complained of a lack of contact information on companies' websites. Some 94% said they would look for a competitor if they received poor customer service from a firm.

The study also found that calling a contact centre was the preferred way to get in touch with companies offering online sales for only 19% or respondents. "Customer service landscape is changing," said nGenera's Matthew Haines, adding that organisations can use web self-service and email. "By establishing these channels, businesses can reduce strain on the contact centre, increase agent productivity, reduce costs and ensure consistency and accuracy of messages.pt-time"


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