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AutoMobil and Call Center
[ 2008-12-7 10:55:00 | By: Barry ]
Rcently I visited a leading global automobil corporation, the meeting was excited, coz  they are going to invest a lot to build a worldclass care center in China.    This tells us that True Business Man takes this crisis as an opportunitiy to enhance their chain and seize more market share by utilizing utilizing integrated technology and also business model...

We talked about Unified Communication, and also, Inteligent Dialler and Voice Response Solution, and Human Capital Managment.. 

So,  it proves my belief " There is a  big gag of  understanding in the business direction and modelling between the current call center operators and these kind of Multi-national Corporation in China, and that lies behind s an enormous potentials for Multi-Media Interaction Centre in China..,,  "

How many of us aware of this? 


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