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云知声获得浦发硅谷银行和Techyizu Demo Day 2012冠军

2012-11-10 17:31 《4PS呼叫中心国际标准研究中心》 咨询电话:17317241681(微信同号)

    2012年11月10日,在由浦发硅谷银行和Techyizu共同举办的Demo Day 2012上,10支创业团队从94个参赛团队中脱颖而出进入了决赛。最终,北京云知声信息技术有限公司力压群雄,获得冠军。

      Headquartered in Shanghai, China, SPD-Silicon Valley Bank (SSVB) is a joint venture between Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. (“SPDB”; SSE: 600000) and Silicon Valley Bank (“SVB”; NASQAQ: SIVB (SVB Financial Group)).

      SSVB is the first technology and innovation bank in China serving as an independent legal entity. It is also the first joint venture bank to obtain approval from the Chinese regulatory authorities since 1997. SSVB’s mission is to “help entrepreneurs succeed” by providing unique financial products and services to the technology and innovation industry and redefining the banking experience for innovation companies of all sizes. SSVB strives to be the model bank for innovation in China.

     Techyizu is a Shanghai-based volunteer-driven organization and staunch supporters of the China startup and tech community. Techyizu organizes community events such as BarCamp Shanghai and Demo Day, for anyone with a passion for technology, entrepreneurship, and social innovation.

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