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2007-05-14 00:00 《4PS呼叫中心国际标准研究中心》 咨询电话:17317241681(微信同号)



美国讯时捷科技公司成立于2003年,公司总部坐落于美国加州圣地亚哥,公司一直致力于企业的电话系统研发。公司汇聚了当今世界顶尖的电信技术人才,融合了传统电信技术精华和最领先潮流的VoIP技术,将大型集团企业电话系统强大功能巧妙移植到小型电话系统中,推出了新一代中小企业电话系统 — 讯时捷™ IPX(讯时捷商务电话系统)。2005年12月,讯时捷™ 科技公司在北京设立中国代表处,负责发展中国的业务,2006年9月,又在香港成立办事处,大力推广各种利用讯时捷提供各种企业通讯的解决方案。有关更多公司的消息可以参阅www.switchvox.cn

Switchvox IPX successfully deployed at the Tsing Hua University Multi-Media Training Center
Tsing Hua University – one of the most prestige polytechnic university in China, also known as the China equivalent of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) of the United States. In order to reach the performance and efficiency with the world’s most advanced universities, Tsing Hua’s multi-media department has investigated many domestic and foreign IP-PBX systems for their next generation communication needs.  The university compares voice quality, features, performance, flexibility, scalability, and price, and come up with a high overall score for the Switchvox IPX from the United States. In order to meet the tight schedule and progress timeline of Tsing Hua, Switchvox engineers worked closely with the university for the planning, system engineering, and completed the system deployment with over 50 stations for the multi-media monitoring and communication project within 1 day.  After careful inspection of the installed system, the university was particularly satisfied with the voice quality, the acceptance sign-off was also granted on the same day.

About Switchvox
Switchvox was founded in 2003 in San Diego, California of the United States. The company has been focused on the development of the IP-PBX system.  It has gathered the top-notch telecom and computer scientists to develop the VoIP technology for the enterprise IP-PBX.  The company's advanced, feature rich products enable companies to easily and affordably create and manage their phone system, using traditional analog lines, as well as VoIP services. In December 2005, Switchvox entered the China market with head office in Beijing.  More information on the company can be found at: www.switchvox.cn
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